BuildForce January 2025 Blog

At the beginning of a New Year, many of us will set goals and achievements for ourselves, often in a bid to better our circumstances, most commonly our physical and mental well-being. Whilst wanting to improve ourselves is admirable, oftentimes we will succumb to unrealistic expectations, and then feel like a failure when our ambitions do not come into fruition.

Celebrating the achievements of ourselves, and those around us, is always a good thing. However, society needs to redefine what constitutes a victory. Life is so full of ups and downs, and our capabilities should be measured in relation to our circumstances at that particular time. The trajectories of our lives are subject to so many variables that are out with our control; grief, trauma, health, brain chemistry, societal expectations, to name just a few. Just as much admiration should be levelled at the strength and resilience it takes to get out of bed on our bad days, as any of the impressive things we can achieve on our best days.

It is often said that comparison is the thief of joy. Society should not dictate what constitutes happiness, but it often feels like there are arbitrary time frames and expectations on us. Of course, many of these societal norms were created in a world that does not exist anymore. However, it is still easy to compare ourselves to people who present a carefully curated version of a ‘perfect’ life and feel like we are failing. Hopefully, society is moving in the right direction, where a person is revered for following their own path, at their own pace. Where a person discussing their vulnerabilities and struggles is correctly regarded as courageous. And all that matters is how happy a person is within themselves, and not how that aligns with anyone else’s definition.

The team at BuildForce understands that life is not linear, and there are many reasons why a person may not feel ready to reach out to us straight away. Many of us may not even feel equipped to contemplate what is next in our career; we are simply functioning day to day but feel frozen because we have no idea what we want to do with our lives. Our team is here to help you navigate through the complex period following military life, supporting you as you transition into a to fulfilling civilian career. Everyone deserves a job that is the right fit for them and allows them to utilize their invaluable transferrable talents and skills. The construction industry has copious opportunities, across a vast range of sectors and departments. By entering an honest dialogue with our team, we can work together to find a role that allows you to excel in your career, without compromising your mental health.

Our mental health will often skew our way of thinking. For example, those of us suffering from social anxiety will find the seemingly simple action of making a phone call challenging. Some of us struggle to converse with others, so the mere thought of an interview will fill us with apprehension. Venturing into a new sector after a cemented career elsewhere can be naturally overwhelming, but we will convince ourselves that we are undeserving, or unqualified. A common thought process is often ‘what’s the point in applying for this job – I’m never going to get it.’ All these sentiments are completely rational, but the visceral impact it can have on our bodies breeds a difficult environment to thrive in. BuildForce appreciates how consuming these worries can be and is committed to changing the narrative around how we view ourselves. Whilst our negative traits are often monumental in our minds, objectively they do not diminish our capability or potential. A person can simultaneously be working on healing themselves, whilst also being a huge asset to a company.

We hope everyone is kinder to themselves in 2025, celebrating personal victories, rather than concentrating on the things they would like to change about themselves. Please contact us when the time feels right for you – Catherine Marie😊