Virtual Career Chat: Site Manager
Join us to hear from our veterans sharing their journey from service life to the life of Site Manager. A great session to better understand the role and the transferable skills required.
Also an opportunity to hear from The Berkeley Group, who builds homes and neighbourhoods in London, Birmingham and the South of England. They have an ambitious long-term business strategy in place, called ‘Our Vision 2030’. It sets out a balanced and holistic approach to leading the business over the next decade. It will help them to be a world-class business, trusted to transform the most challenging sites into exceptional places and to maximise the positive impact on society, the economy and the natural world.
Also you will be hearing from Vistry Group, the UK’s leading provider of affordable mixed tenure homes. They are a young and dynamic business with a partnerships-led approach, delivered under their Countryside Partnerships brand, and an exciting timber-frame manufacturing operation called Vistry Works, running three factories and supporting the drive towards net zero. Delivering thousands of homes every year for the affordable and private market places, Vistry Group also has an unmatched portfolio of retail brands, each with a rich history and strong reputation: Linden Homes, Bovis Homes and Countryside Homes. They are a multi award-winning housebuilder and the group has again been awarded the 5 Star Rating by the Home Builders Federation following the latest industry’s Customer Satisfaction Survey.
The Virtual Career Chat is finished off with our Q&A panel, expertly led by our CEO, Angela Forbes.
Email: info@buildforce.org.uk to reserve your place.